Hellworm Discourse

From Fallen London Wiki

anonymous|Posted on Dec 16 2021 at 10:56 am

The icon is a reused asset from Sunless Sea. A bit of a poor effort from Failbetter considering it's a 200000 scrip item, some new unique art shouldn't be too hard to slap together.

Fynnkaterin|Posted on Jul 18 2022 at 9:52 pm

"some new unique art shouldn't be too hard to slap together"

well, get to it, then, champ :)

anonymous|Posted on Jul 19 2022 at 2:51 am|permalin

Smugly, condescendingly insulting someone like that would be entirely appropriate when defending an open-source passion project, but this is a product produced for profit by a corporation. Fallen London has (I assume!) an art budget, and it's evidently underfunded.

anonymous|Posted on Jul 19 2022 at 3:59 am

people immediately moving to smug condescending insults when an issue brought up is the reason that free/open source software will never truly go mainstream. the year of linux on the desktop is a year that will never come. i swear, a year that'll never come.

Fynnkaterin|Posted on Jul 20 2022 at 1:10 am

Sorry you felt smugly condescended to and insulted by someone encouraging you to produce the new, unique art you said would be easy to slap together. To be more direct: if you feel the FL art budget is underfunded, there are many ways for you to give the devs money. If you think FL needs better art, apply for an artist position when they're hiring for one. Griping about it on the wiki isn't going to get your concerns addressed, and doing so in a way that also manages to insult artists isn't going to win many people to your side.

anonymous|Posted on Jul 20 2022 at 6:00 pm

First, you're talking to two different people. (As if I'd ever write "200,000" without a comma.) Second, your self-righteous passive-aggressiveness has now gone beyond merely engendering disgust and into evoking genuine concern for your mental health. Third, to clarify that last point, you are now arguing that large, wealthy corporations are not responsible for their collective actions and need public support as if they were small, local charities. Finally, to further clarify that point, you are demanding that random anonymous people on the internet cease their national pastime-analogue of complaining about things. You clearly have unresolved issues in your private life that are likely negatively affecting your ability to function in society. Please seek professional help. Thank you.

anonymous|Posted on Jul 20 2022 at 9:38 pm

are you sure you're not projecting? because the only person self-righteous enough for their mental health to be in question is the one who's decided to itemize their list of gripes about the comment above and then regurgitate it all in one unstructured paragraph.

also, the fuck are you even saying? you're bringing in the concept of responsibility for a corporation's actions, as if failbetter did something fundamentally worse than reusing a picture of a hellworm. if anything, it's the free software foundation which has trouble with responsibility for their collective actions, as they've explicitly brought Stallman back on. failbetter at least managed to grow past their problematic figurehead.

anonymous|Posted on Jul 23 2022 at 5:42 am

Hell, the whole concept that an Open Source passion project is above reproach is problematic. There's a reason that, even for tech, a notoriously white male field, Open Source is the worst in this regard, and it's this very notion that "go make your own" is a valid response to any issue brought up. Have you seen how lax or even absent the Codes of Conduct for Open Source projects tend to be? Have you seen how the Wikimedia Foundation had to explicitly step in and do something about a toxic bastard on Wikipedia, given that Wikipedia's own internal systems weren't able to sufficiently resolve the issue? Have you seen the uproar about this decision from on high, and the equal kerfuffle in changing Chelsea Manning's page away from her deadname? These projects need just as much accountability as a corporation does, if not even more.

Fynnkaterin|Posted on Jul 25 2022 at 2:43 pm

> "large, independent corporations"

Your gripes about corporate malfeasance, however valid they may be, can almost certainly be better addressed almost anywhere else besides the comments of an article titled "Your Very Own Miniature Hellworm" on the wiki for a game made by an indie studio with 16 employees.

anonymous|Posted on Oct 17 2022 at 4:19 am

I agree with Fynnkaterin, falilbetter aint as large as Rockstar, my guy.