May 31-Jun 2 items at a glance

From Fallen London Wiki

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Just in case someone doesn't want to spend 3 actions just to check what's available (I didn't see that preview option FBG mentioned, but that could have been early morning grogginess on my part), the non-perennial items available to purchase this weekend (May 31-Jun 2) are:

- Strange-Shore Parabola Suit/Frock

- Starstone Demark - Intriguer's Compendium - Elemental Secret - False-Star Catalogue (The small pile of leather-bound books) - Ratwork Pocket Piece - Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets

All purchase prices for the above seem to be the same, but sold items (except fourth city echoes) do not sell for the same number of rat shillings as before - reduction in sale value seems to be ~5% for non-4th-city-echoes. The perennial purchasables seem (at a glance, not thoroughly reviewed) to be the same as before.