From Fallen London Wiki

I have not yet finished my Plaster Face quest, SMPF remained at 10 the last time I left. I was deciding whether to side with the Big Rat or kill it. Couldn't make up my mind.

Currently (first week of August 2024), the Estival 2024 event is ongoing and there are talks on the forum how the Big Rat helps with building up Casing, which is useful for this event.

Personally, I miss my (dead?) Disgraced Rattus Faber Bandit-Chief and I like the Albino Rat. There are other places to easily grind Casing, if you need it. I also like the idea that I can potentitally 'revive' my Disgraced Rattus, even if it means spending Fate.

I will complete the Plaster Face quest at a later time, but not now.