From Fallen London Wiki

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for 'you've made an acquaintance with a neighbor'

A matter of reputation

"See?" the Rat pronounces from a divan fashioned from shredded socks. "It's not just what you know – it's 'oo you know and 'oo knows you and wot they know you for."

reward is just 10 inklings of identity. this one *does* unlock a new storylet related to the Making Your Name storylines, requiring having begun each storyline. i'll make a separate post on here with that, too. it also unlocks an optional storylet that i'm not gonna take, i'll post it here. edit: image for out, d__n rat is fist.png btw

Out, d__n rat!

Enough of holes in your socks! Enough of its d__nable snoring! Enough of this freebooting rat!

This will permanently dismiss this storylet. You can have a less projectile parting if you complete all other branches in this storylet.

i like this rat, i dont wanna yeet him out my window.