From Fallen London Wiki

This takes fewer actions and is cheaper than converting Honey to Visions the usual way (<a href="/wiki/Sponsor_a_dream-expedition_for_lovers" title="Sponsor a dream-expedition for lovers">Sponsor a dream-expedition for lovers</a> + 2 × <a href="/wiki/Pen_some_Neathy_love_poetry_for_a_Surface_audience" title="Pen some Neathy love poetry for a Surface audience">Pen some Neathy love poetry for a Surface audience</a>). You do lose 5 <a href="/wiki/Romantic_Notion" title="Romantic Notion">Romantic Notions</a> and a nominal amount of <a href="/wiki/Making_Waves_(Guide)" title="Making Waves (Guide)">MW</a> in exchange for the 50 extra honey, but dedicated grinds for both of these are more profitable.

If you already have a permanent membership to the Club this is not a terrible upconversion, I guess. It is absolutely not worth spending an invite on unless you have an actual ocean of honey, in which case I must ask where you even got that much honey from.