July's Server Data Loss

From Fallen London Wiki

It appears that due to the data loss in July, the updated version of this page made by <a href="/wiki/User:Kislev" title="User:Kislev">Kislev</a> was lost. I don't know if Kislev is planning on updating it at the current moment, but if nothing else, the template still exists on the <a href="/wiki/Estival_(Guide)/Item_Comparison" title="Estival (Guide)/Item Comparison">Estival</a> and <a href="/wiki/Fruits_of_the_Zee_Festival_(Guide)/Item_Comparison" title="Fruits of the Zee Festival (Guide)/Item Comparison">Fruits of the Zee Festival</a> versions of the item comparison, so if anybody wants to try their hand at it, it appears to be open to do.