Complete your fraudulent Infernal Sharpshooter's Rifle
From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: University Laboratory (Guide) |
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From: Assess your Progress regarding the Replica Ancient Rifle
Does it look convincing?
Unlocked with 1650 x Laboratory Research,
Experimental Object exactly 130 (Construct a rifle in historical style),
Science: Experimental Stage exactly 2 (Disguise your Ancient Hunting Rifle as a valuable antique)
Through meticulous research, you have identified the pertinent details […] The era-appropriate proof marks, the specific spring tension on the trigger, the telltale patina present on gunmetal that's been to Hell and back.
[Find the rest of the story at]
You've gained 1 x The Prestige of your Laboratory
You've gained 1 x Record of Successful Forgery
You've gained 1 x Infernal Sharpshooter's Rifle
Redirects to: Tidying up your University Lab