Concept:Ambition: Heart's Desire!/Rewards

From Fallen London Wiki
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This lists all items which can be obtained exclusively during Ambition: Heart's Desire! and which you get to keep after finishing your Ambition.

Some of these are mutually exclusive.

Not listed are the non-final forms of the monkey (Hysterical Monkey and Cardsharp Monkey), which get replaced during the Ambition. Those are included in Concept:Ambition: Heart's Desire!/Items.

Description of concept "Ambition: Heart's Desire!/Rewards"RDF feed

The ultimate rewards of <span class="il-quality"> Ambition: Heart's Desire!</span>. See Concept:Ambition: Heart's Desire!.

 [[:A Bestiary of the Hearts' Desires]] OR [[:A Bright Brass Button]] OR [[:A Dream of Truth-Strangling]] OR [[:A Leasehold on All of London]] OR [[:A Palatial Holiday Home in the Arctic Circle]] OR [[:Beechwood's Moral Selection]] OR [[:Condemned Cardsharp Monkey]] OR [[:Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil]] OR [[:Marvellous Monkey]] OR [[:Newly-Cast Crown of the City of London]] OR [[:Note: A Meeting in the Forgotten Quarter]] OR [[:On the Maladies of Goats, volume 1]] OR [[:The Marvellous]] OR [[:The Robe of Mr Cards]] OR [[:The Thief-Oath of Tristram Bagley]]