Contemplate the disposition of the Starved forces

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Amber Tide, Turned

It is time to take London back.

Game Instructions: Once you proceed past this point, you will be unable to turn in further information to the Admiralty or find additional clues. You will also no longer be able (or need ) to contribute to London's defence. You will be able to continue contributing to the relief efforts and cash in Service to London.

You will be occupied for a very short while. After this slice of story, activities will resume on Monday 7th August.

Starting on 7th August:

If you are still bearing Intelligence to pass to the Admiralty, turn it in before proceeding, or it will be lost. Once you proceed past this point, you will be unable to turn in or find additional clues. You will also no longer be able (or need ) to contribute to London's defence. You will be able to continue contributing to the relief efforts and cash in Service to London.

Locked with Bearing Admiralty Intelligence


The last pocket of resistance

The Starved Men are scattered. Half of them have abandoned the attack[…]

Those that remain are clustered in the grounds of St Fiacre's Cathedral, still desperately engaged in their work. Fervid, like they know that their time is running out.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: One Final Push