Develop the reel you exposed at the Midnight Moon

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: A Starved Man with a Moving Camera

Photography – and motion photography doubly so – is an art of delayed gratification.

Unlocked with A Film Reel from the Midnight Moon 1-6


Silver flickers

His curiosity shimmers across his skin in blues and verdant greens. He bustles into a dark room […] he emerges, […] with a strip of developed film in hand.

[…] Glim-light shines through the translucent film, […] Images flicker into life.

Description summary:
The third and fourth paragraphs change based on the lens and film emulsion used.

A Kinetocular Lens:Third paragraph
Wide-AngleThe camera has captured a wide view of the Midnight Moon – inn, spire, and leviathan, all crowded around by black-enveloped airships. Paths from dock to inn to speared whale are marked by needles of candlelight, guiding smugglers and their bounties […]
TelescopicThe camera has captured a vast face of stone, [...]. Few below have even heard of the insular isle of Visage, let alone [...] Flourishing-of-Years from this vantage. The camera scours it for the smaller peoples and lives that call it home.
A Film Reel from the Midnight MoonFourth paragraph
Midnight Moon, PeliginBut it is the great corpse that dominates this frame, lit from below […] It throws its monumental shadow upwards, blanketing the inn […] threatening always to continue its midnight ascent. From the deep it rose, and […] it looks as though it has rising left to do.
Midnight Moon, ViolantThe view lingers where smuggled cargoes change hands. Crates glow […] brighter than the way-markers of the Candle-Men. Etiolated fingers clasp the black gloves of an airfarer […] The camera can see the marks each hand leaves on the other […]
Midnight Moon, CosmogoneA warm glow seeps out of the pub's half-open door like honey. The smugglers […] clasping each other by the arm and trading stories […] Above, a lone captain unmoors a handsome dirigible […] Everywhere the camera ranges, the scene is soaked in romance and adventure.
Visage Below, PeliginBut all it finds are masks, ferocious and stark. Jackals, locusts, crocodiles: beasts gurn at the camera, […]. In the expressionless dark, the rituals the masked ones conduct are deep and shapeless, mere undulations within the Apis Temple.
Visage Below, ViolantIt alights on a young newcomer in the mask of a beaming frog, its face bright […] The camera focuses on her, and her uncertainty at her role. […] Her stumble as she enters the Library of Parts, where so many others have stumbled before her.
Visage Below, CosmogoneTorches transmute the waters of the Flooded Court to gold. Fires flicker across the isle of Visage, […] The serene gaze never falters, gazing ever-upwards […] a procession enters the colossal face's great stone ear, to remove their masks and open their hearts.

[Find the rest of the story at]