Don't let her take the credit

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Efficient Commissioner, Departing

If anyone did any saving here, it was you.



A few curt words from you and her tearful mood is gone[…]

She is still angry when she gets to the GHR station: you hear about it later from the station-master[…]

And that is the last that you speak of this for some time. London is waiting for you[…]

Description summary:
The second paragraph varies with Board Member: The Efficient Commissioner

If the Efficient Commissioner is on the boardDescription
Yes"I did offer her first class[…]like I thought you would be wanting seeing that she is a director and all. But she says she's having no charity, and she throws down the only coins she's got in her pockets[…] Says she'll go on from Ealing on shanks' mare."
No"Knowing as she's been a director of the company, I did offer her first class, free of charge[…] But[…]she throws down[…]coins[…]and asks what that'll buy. I says it's third-class standing-room fare and just two stops, and she says that suits her[…]"

[Find the rest of the story at]

If the Efficient Commissioner is on the Board: