Examine the leviathan (Hunter)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Spire, Inn, Leviathan

She has come a long way from your familiar hunting grounds.

Unlocked with A Notched Bone Harpoon


Risen Midnight

Midnight Whales are unmistakable [...] As a unicorn is to a knight of old, so they often are to your profession – ancient, unknowable, sacred. [...] their minds are icebergs, vast and hidden. [...]

[...] They say that ascended ambergris floats, lighter than air [...]: whalerise.


Description summary:
The end of the first paragraph varies depending on whether you have Witnessed a Midnight Whale before, while the third paragraph varies, likely based on your Professional Specialisation.

WitnessedFirst Paragraph
0What is certain is that their dying pilgrimages to the Gant Pole are overseen by haruspices and Chelonites both. And yet one is here, deceased, and far, far away.
1Last you saw one alive, you aided it in its dying pilgrimage to the Gant Pole, where all such leviathans are said to die. And yet one is here, deceased, and far, far away.
SpecialisationThird Paragraph
Hierarch of the HuntYou press palm against flesh, and feel the electric current of a great and terrible hunt. Somewhere out there, an epochal hunger yearns still to consume this great beast.
TeratomancerYou press palm against flesh, and feel an echo of enlightenments past. Whatever past led the whale to this present, it was entirely absent of sorrow.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]