From Fallen London Wiki
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Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
From: The End of Battles
....a joke! You are joking with us! Of course, great one, you have seen all the world can offer; you have taken or trampled it as you chose. But we can give you marvels.
Unlocked with 3 x Hastily Scrawled Warning Note
Look here.[…] This was old in the days of the Third, when the knives were out in defiance of the Sequence. This carries its own light. This has a tiny song. This is nothing... well, if you must, great one. Look closely. Closely.[…]
[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
You've gained 1 x Collection of Curiosities
You've gained 2 x Irrigo
You've lost 3 x Hastily Scrawled Warning Note