Firmament: Beyond Zenith

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description varies as you continue Firmament.

360Zenith is changed by your passage. The Illuminated have a new purpose. The Highest Sanctum was breached[…]

The Vulgate mass within.[…]

Something wakes in the Roof[…] has you in its sight[…]

[…]your officers wait, to decide what must be done.

365[…]Vulgate on the march.

"They will be terrible foes," Tatterdemalion […] they had pieces of you among their Apocrypha?"

"Including pieces of my city," the Duchess […] you saw something too. Something of yours." […] "More breaches, more gates opening in the Neath."

370The Last Duchess […] I wasn't sure I could trust word not to get out. My stepmama and I wrested the city out of the clutches of the Masters once[…]

[…]To Burgundy, my home."

Tatterdemalion […] "All well and good. But first we'll need to find a way past our new friends[…]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Firmament 360-370

Storylet appears in Zenith


Airship vanilla.png
Move forward
  •  Spoiler 
    Airship vanilla.png
    Unlocked with Immanence exactly 1, Firmament exactly 360



    Open doors

    • Neathroofsmall.png Recall what you saw in the Apocrypha. (Sets Firmament to 365 - Speak to your Officers in Zenith)
Airship vanilla.png
Move forward
  •  Spoiler 
    Airship vanilla.png
    Unlocked with Immanence exactly 2, Firmament exactly 360



    Open doors

    • Neathroofsmall.png Recall what you saw in the Apocrypha. (Sets Firmament to 365 - Speak to your Officers in Zenith)
Airship vanilla.png
Move forward
  •  Spoiler 
    Airship vanilla.png
    Unlocked with Immanence exactly 3, Firmament exactly 360



    Open doors

    • Neathroofsmall.png Recall what you saw in the Apocrypha. (Sets Firmament to 365 - Speak to your Officers in Zenith)
Determine your course
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Firmament exactly 365



    Along the Miser-Roads

    • Neathroofsmall.png Await a good moment to move against the Vulgate. (Sets Firmament to 370 - Await an opportune moment to move against the Vulgate)
    • Fallenlondonsmall.png You've gained 1 x Memory Below the Firmament