Forum:How do you add information to a profession specialization quality?

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How do you add information to a profession specialization quality?[edit]

On the page for Iniquitor, it says "this quality has no recorded uses." But this is clearly false - among other things, having this quality unlocks some specific storylets, such as Corrupt a rival network. How do I add in this information? It seems as if the only thing I can do is edit the template, but... I dunno, I'm just confused. - KelpTheGreat (talk) 02:52, 19 August 2024 (UTC)

The reason the Actions aren't showing up under Iniquitor et al. is because the specializations aren't actually real qualities themselves. They're levels of A Professional Specialisation:, which uses the rather game functionality to change its icon by level. All of the relevant Actions are listed under that quality, jumbled up with all of the actions for the other specializations as well.

We can change this! You wouldn't edit the page for Iniquitor, you edit the page for each Action that uses it. The list itself is auto-generated by Wiki magic involving semantic knowledge graphs.

Right now on, say, Corrupt a rival network, the Unlock condition includes {{Unlock|A Professional Specialisation:|Iniquitor}}. This is a semantic reference to A Professional Specialisation: which makes it show in the list of Actions on that page, but Iniquitor is just text, no link and no semantic decoration.

The fix is to replace that with {{Unlock|A Professional Specialisation:|{{Use|Iniquitor|Type=Unlock}}}}. This will make it show up under both pages' list of Actions, which I think is the preferred outcome.

I can make the updates to these page when I have some time this evening. Unless another Wiki editor thinks they can automate it.

- PSGarak (talk) 13:18, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
That sounds great! And also completely beyond my understanding and know-how, lol. Good luck in making the updates when you have time, and thanks! KelpTheGreat (talk) 18:48, 19 August 2024 (UTC)