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It mentioned I could later marry the Revolutinary Firebrand after i finished up at the Cave of Nadir ad ive reached the Bazaar Side Streets but no card for it has shown up (others marriage cards have though) I have the Firebrand as a companion how do I unlock the option to marry him? (If its actually possible)Blitzbear93 (talk) 21:56, August 3, 2015 (UTC)Blitzbear93

I don't think that anyone at the wiki can answer this. The statement has been in the game a long, long time, but as of now, there is no not-Fate-locked content which allows the player character to marry either the Revolutionary Firebrand or Secular Missionary. Perhaps that can happen after they have been "reforged" or "renewed" during the Feast of the Exceptional Rose, but the wiki does not list them as spouses. I think that this is just yet one more piece of content that Failbetter kept in the backburner or had forgotten about.

Thats disapointing i ws so looking forward to it tok, gues sill marry someone else thanks anywaysBlitzbear93 (talk) 03:02, August 4, 2015 (UTC)Blitzbear93