Forum:Money-making guides should no longer mention the Rat-Market.

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Money-making guides should no longer mention the Rat-Market.[edit]

In the wake of the upcoming Rat Market overhaul, a whole lot of guides are going to need to be revisited to account for the fact that it is no longer reliably possible to cash out specific items. The most obvious solution would be to remove the RM entirely from per-action profit calculations for the forseeable future, for the following reasons:

  • It will be at least a month before we know whether new sellables follow old pattern of one T6/T7/T8 per weekend.
  • The specific sellable items within that pattern will vary randomly.
  • Due to diminishing returns from Saturation, and to a lesser extent Depletion, EPA/SPA no longer tells the whole story.

In effect, the design goal of the new RM is to conditionally add "This activity becomes more profitable if the Rat-Market is buying one of the output items" to every carousel and story in the game. Again, this all seems obvious to me, but the reasoning should be made explicit, I think.

Anyway thank you for coming to my TED talk - Captain Walker (talk) 16:35, 26 May 2024 (UTC)

I mean, with how central the Rat Market was to everything all of those guides will have to be revisited critically and a few may have to be re-written from the ground up. I'm in favor in the interrim of slapping a "Guide Needs Updated" on everything with an EPA analysis, which actually covers quite a lot of "Activity" guides. But for many I don't think it's even as simple as removing the Rat Market mentions, it may alter the balance of e.g. which pathways in the Mushroom's Dream are more favoured.

Quite the project for the next few months.
- PSGarak (talk) 01:38, 28 May 2024 (UTC)