Further ingratiate yourself with Urchins

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Opportunities for Ingratiation

Action Cost: 2

Perhaps you should start 'disposing' of your 'excess' 'leftovers' on your roof.

Game Instructions: Raising Renown: Urchins will earn you a Persuasive hat.

Unlocked with Renown: Urchins 5-9, Faction Courted: First, Second, or Third exactly 12 (hidden)

Locked with Favours: Urchins 7


Discard diner

Open boxes of fungal crackers (with only a single cracker taken). Mushroom steaks. The odd rubbery lump. The urchins enjoy it far more when they think they're getting one over on you.