Gregory Beechwood

From Fallen London Wiki
Conflicted ParsonDescription
50The Honour has passed. The Marvellous has begun. Surely enough time has passed for the University librarians to have been located a copy of Beechwood's 'Moral Selection'.
60A terse note from the librarian indicated that the 'Moral Selection' is available for collection from the University.
70You have acquired, at some cost to time and person, one of the only surviving copies of Gregory Beechwood's unloved dissertation: 'Moral Selection'. It may provide a clue as to what he sought in the Marvellous.
80Beechwood's argument was that man once existed in a state of grace[…] in the form of the ape. One of the players of the Marvellous just so happens to be a monkey – your Monkey, to be precise.
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Unlocked with Ambition: Heart's Desire! exactly 310


Check your post
Attend to Other Business
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0



    Some future day

Examine your Monkey
Read Beechwood's Moral Selection