Guess at a time before history

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Reach out to the mind of the Creditor

The Creditor began somewhere. What were its origins? You are on the verge of contact with its mind. Expand the thought.

Unlocked with The Mind's Ascent exactly 3, Chthonosophy

Locked with Nightmares 8

Challenge information

Narrow, Chthonosophy Unknown Difficulty Level


A birth in fire

The Creditor was once a greater body, of [...] cold rock. Before that, liquid stone and metal[...] Before that? Something without an outer shell at all, perhaps the whole of the planet. At every stage, colder and harder and more solitary;[...]


An overwhelming apprehension

You cannot contain the thought, half borrowed memory, half your own imagination: a body of liquid nickel and iron, a furious motion within your own person, a devastating shock when your polarity is thrown into reverse.