Hallow's Exchange

From Fallen London Wiki

Do the Starved Men have uses for money? They certainly trade – in amber, in secrets. In shapes.

Shops in Hallow's Throat
Shops Name Notes
Sell My Things Sell any of your items that can be sold for Stuiver
The Flexile Peddler No bones. No regrets. No refunds.
The Cenobitic Outfitter When one sheds their former form and becomes a Starved Man, they may abandon their past possessions. Those possessions may end up here.

The following items are items that can be sold in Hallow's Exchange. If you have them in your inventory, they appear. Otherwise, they do not.

Item Sell price
Amber redsmall.png Nodule of Warm Amber 1 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Vialbluesmall.png Sample of Roof-Drip 2 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Applegallssmall.png Tantalising Possibility 2 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Vialyellowsmall.png Starved Expression 10 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Deliriumsmall.png Tempestuous Tale 10 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Neathroofsmall.png Roof-Chart 50 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Midnightwhalesmall.png Ascended Ambergris 51 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Cabinetpoisonsmall.png Caustic Apocryphon 250 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Candleeyesmall.png Memory of a Much Stranger Self 250 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Moonsmall.png Memory of Moonlight 250 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Gleamsmall.png Glim-Encrusted Carapace 1250 x Currency1 coppersmall.png
Glowingeyessmall.png Glimpse of Anathema 6250 x Currency1 coppersmall.png