Hear the rest of the story

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Old Resurrection

Action Cost: 0

Old Resurrection's eyes glitter. She waits, although for the satisfaction of hearing you ask.

Unlocked with Acquaintance: Old Resurrection 6, Story of Resurrection exactly 1 (hidden)


And all the King's men


"So I thought, sod it. Let 'em think they've got me. [...]

A slow, sly smile. "'Cept, o'course, I'd liberated a few bottles of peach brandy from Her Disagreeableness [...] My agents had me smuggled up here [...] and they put me back together with brandy and amber. [...]

Description summary:
Part of the second paragraph varies depending on whether or not you stopped Jack-of-Smiles.

Jack's Gone?Second Paragraph
0I hired a surgeon to cut me up, Jack-of-Smiles style. Is he still around? Yes? Bloody constables. Useless.
1I hired a surgeon to cut me up, Jack-of-Smiles style. Is he still— you stopped 'im? Good on you. Nasty business.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Redirects to: Old Resurrection