Hit the cobbles

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Winding Streets and Treacherous Cobbles

Action Cost: 0

See if you can find your way from one area of the city to another.

Game Instructions: This will unlock the ability to travel around the city.


The ebb and flow of the streets

One of these days, you're really going to have to get yourself some better shoes...

Success Instructions: You have unlocked the map, which will be available once you have left this storylet. On desktop, use the TRAVEL button on the right hand side to open the map. On mobile, look for the compass symbol in the top right corner.

You can zoom and pan across the map to find locations in Fallen London. Click or tap a location label to zoom in or move to that area.

Once you have left this storylet, use the map to move to a new location so you can start looking for somewhere to live.