Indulge your Melancholy while you wait (response)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Invited to Loiter (storylet)

You sit here unnoticed so easily. Do you really matter so little?

Unlocked with Invited to Loiter [friend] 1, The Airs of Stillness 61-80, Melancholy 4

When Sent


You are an anonymous face, one among many. […] Londoners might walk past oblivious, considering you as important as a lamppost, or less: you don't even provide light.

[…] It is the eleventh hour of your watch before anything untoward occurs. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

In Messages Tab

You will receive:

You joined [friend] for more than a bit of loitering. But they saw what they needed to see, and can finally take a break.

Your friend will receive:

[Your name] joined your watch. They were a tad melancholic as they watched the world pass so carelessly by, but in the end, you got the information you needed.