Inform the lizard that it has mistaken the time of your appointment (with Reservation)

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Ambition: Addressing Some Confusion

You may have checked yourself into the Royal Bethlehem Hotel but the terms of your lease give you control over your own décor, not this impertinent reptile.

Unlocked with Reservation at the Royal Bethlehem

Wiki note: This is identical to Inform the lizard that it has mistaken the time of your appointment, except for its description.



The lizard blinks at you with pity. […] When you return, the lizard is gone. Or is it? […]

It's difficult to think clearly. […]

[…] There is something else you are meant to be doing, […] but the more you try to remember what it is, the harder it becomes. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: A dangerous card has been placed in your Opportunity Deck. You will be unable to continue with your preparations for the Marvellous until you remove it.

  • Heartsdesiresmall.png You must deal with the Manager's games before you can face him. (Sets Ambition: Heart's Desire! to 560 - You must deal with the Manager's games before you can face him)
  • Bethlehemsmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Brass-Buttoned Displeasure' Quality is now 1 - An unfortunate opportunity card has been added to your deck!
  • Sidebarnightmaressmall.png Nightmares is increasing… (+5 CP)