Inquire about the Stone Pigs (The Waswood)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Conclave of the Masters, Hastily Assembled (The Waswood)

Action Cost: 0

So they have awakened; what does that mean, precisely?

Locked with Making Inquiries


An explanation, of sorts

[…] "The Bazaar is in a great deal of pain. Imagine if your spleen were trying to escape. Now imagine your spleen is a subchthonic thing that burrows through the ground in search of a truffle."


"[…] Their dreams were disturbed" adds Spices. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Gossipsmall.png You are learning more about the events of the Grand Clearing-Out. (Sets Making Inquiries to 1)