Invite the Wandering Gondolier to the Board
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Explore adding to the Board
He's impetuous but keen to learn. He has a deep passion for labour rights, drawn from his time with the Guild. His leanings, however, are distinctly infernal.
Game Instructions: This will not start an entire new meeting; the Wandering Gondolier will join you immediately.
Unlocked with Wandering Gondolier
Locked with Board Member: The Wandering Gondolier
Reforming zeal
The Wandering Gondolier is delighted to be among such august company. He has already devised plans for its improvement. Faces fall as he unrolls a number of table-length charts, the first of which concerns the seating arrangements of the Board.[…]
[Find the rest of the story at]
The Board has gained an extra director. (Raises
Total Board Membership (Aside From Yourself) by 1)
The Wandering Gondolier has joined your board. (Sets
Board Member: The Wandering Gondolier to 1)