Invited to a Lethal Sparring Bout

From Fallen London Wiki
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Spoiler warning!
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A fellow member of the Black Ribbon Society has challenged you to combat. The winner will prosper; the loser will die.

Game Instructions: This is a Sparring Bout with a lethal twist. The loser here will die, while the winner will receive a Sanguine Ribbon for the non-permanent murder, among other rewards.

Unlocked with a redirect from Invite someone to a Lethal Sparring Bout


Accept, and begin the match with fists flying!
Accept, and begin the match with a sneak attack!
Decline their invitation
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0
    Unlocked with Sparring: Invited to a Lethal Duel [friend's name]


    When Sent

    Safe at home

    In Messages Tab

    You will receive:

    • You declined [friend's name]'s invitation to lethal sparring.
    • You completed a Social Event: Invited to a Lethal Sparring Bout! with [friend's name]

    Your friend will receive:

    [Your name] has declined your invitation to lethal sparring.
