Journey to Yesterday's Clerestory
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Ambition: Finding October
A place hidden from the Masters but known to the Calendar Council: a fold of Parabola, rarely visited and seldom seen.
Unlocked with 1 x Night-Whisper,
50 x Zee-Ztory,
Ambition: Heart's Desire! exactly 226,
10 x Cellar of Wine
The seas of night
You construct a skiff […] out to the Gloaming Shore […] The waters you need to cross are those of the Sea of Wine. Ever it hungers for more of itself […]
[…] consult your charts to find the right one […] at long last, you alight on the sad and lonely islet […][Find the rest of the story at]
You've lost 1 x Night-Whisper
You've lost 50 x Zee-Ztory
Seek out October in your Parabolan Base-Camp (Sets
Ambition: Heart's Desire! to 227 - Seek out October in your Parabolan Base-Camp)
You've lost 10 x Cellar of Wine
Redirects to: A Lonesome October