Making your name: steal a Revolutionary communication

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Snaffle Couriered Messages

According to your (expensive) information, a black-capped courier will cross Takepenny Street at a quarter past nine.

Game Instructions: Succeed at this to unlock new stories.

Unlocked with 100 x Moon-Pearl

Locked with A Name Whispered in Darkness

Challenge information

Broad, Shadowy 12

  • 9 - very chancy (45%)
  • 11 - chancy (55%)
  • 13 - modest (65%)
  • 15 - very modest (75%)
  • 17 - low-risk (85%)
  • 19 - straightforward (95%)
  • 20 - straightforward (100%)



Right on time: black cap, white sleeves, leather pouch. You bump against her in the crowd, and slide away with a brown, sealed envelope hidden under your coat.

Redirects to: A Trove of Secrets


Twenty past nine. Twenty-five past. A half hour.

You wait, but there is no sign of a courier – black-capped or otherwise. Your information was bad – has someone been telling lies?

Redirects to: Snaffle Couriered Messages