Mask of the Rose: a Fallen London romance
Mask of the Rose is a Kickstarter-funded prequel to Fallen London, set mere months after the Fifth City fell. Kickstarter codes have become invalid, those items available via the Unsanctioned Relicker.
Kickstarter Campaign[edit]
The Kickstarter campaign was launched in February 2021, running until March 10.
Kickstarter Promos[edit]
The campaign had a set of community Social Goals, which promised a Fallen London gift for reaching 5 and 7 social goals.
Sheaf of Poetic First Drafts[edit]
The Sheaf of Poetic First Drafts was the reward for reaching five social goals, given out via a access code.
Access Code:
Wiki note: This Access code has been retired, and can no longer be used.
A yellowing bundle of papers, found trapped between piles of ancient census folders. Lost since shortly after the Fall, only now finding their way into your hands.
A quick scan reveals work demonstrating wit, deft rhyming, and even the inoffensive use of puns. Sentences, whole stanzas are scratched out, rewritten, tweaked. The poems are unfinished, perhaps even abandoned. But even now, decades after these pages were lost, the words brim with passion.
[The Sheaf of Poetic First Drafts was created in response to community actions during the Mask of the Rose Kickstarter. Enjoy it with our thanks, delicious friends!]
You've gained 1 x Sheaf of Poetic First Drafts
Rusty Census-Taker's Badge[edit]
Access Code:
Wiki note: This Access code has been retired, and can no longer be used.
A small metal badge: the sign of one employed by the Masters to perform a census, immediately after the Fall.
It is impressive that the badge is merely rust stained. The folds of metal, like the delicate petals of a stylised rose, can be bent with only finger pressure and would crack if flexed. Most such badges will have been discarded in 1862, when the worker's job was complete. How did this one survive the decades?
[The Rusty Census-Taker's Badge was created in response to community actions during the Mask of the Rose Kickstarter. Enjoy it with our thanks, delicious friends!]
You've gained 1 x Rusty Census-Taker's Badge
An Exemplary Work of Lapsarian Theological Art[edit]
Access Code:
Wiki note: This Access code has been retired, and can no longer be used.
A gift from Horatia! It comes from her personal collection: a memento of the time when she was new to the Neath. Enjoy it in good health, delicious friend.
You are now the possessor of an Exemplary Work of Lapsarian Theological Art, a home comfort with some additional uses.
You've gained 1 x An Exemplary Work of Lapsarian Theological Art
Launch Codes[edit]
Access codes were disseminated on Discord the three days preceding the launch of MotR.
Admiral's Hat[edit]
Access Code:
"Look out below!" A shriek and a chorus of giggling from the rooftops of the Flit.
It is a pastime of the Fisher-Kings to hook the hats from passers-by like salmon from a stream. This one has snapped its line, and falls now towards your waiting head – a bicorne of enviable stature and age.
You've gained 1 x Admiral's Hat
Clay Effigy[edit]
Access Code:
You almost mistake it for a rock, and kick it out of your way. But no – the moss is not moss but artful glazing. The crags are not random shapes, but features.
Can Clay Men be four inches tall? The statuette looks liable to wake up any second, it seems so full of vitality. But it remains resolutely still and stony as you bring it inside. The craftsmanship is exquisite.
You've gained 1 x Clay Effigy
Weighty Postlapsarian Romance[edit]
Access Code:
A Haunted Bookseller standing on the street corner grabs you by the shoulder. "The Ministry has eyes everywhere. Keep this out of their hands." The volume he thrusts into your hands is thick, and wrapped in brown paper.
The book is worn, and well-read. A number of pages have been dog-eared by past owners. A dedication is written upon the flyleaf: '"Abashed the devil stood" – for Milton, despite it all.'
You've gained 1 x Weighty Postlapsarian Romance
A Fallen London Musical[edit]
This access code is given in the pinned comment of this video:
Access Code:
Oh, the Loquacious Musician sent you? How lovely. Do come in.
Welcome to Fallen London, stupendious friend! Please make yourself at home. Try the coffee: musky! Explosive! Almost certainly not actually brewed from bat guano! (That's just Mr Wines' little joke.)
You've gained 2 x Darkdrop Coffee