Move as Wind

From Fallen London Wiki

Avidhorizon port.png This page contains information about the endings of the Mr Eaten storyline, which are designated by FBG to require strict spoiler protection. Proceed below at your own risk.

From: The Farewell in the Air

Across that […] ocean. You will pass the red ice and the […] dawn of Irem. You will watch the colours change. Night behind glass, then rain-wet slate, then darkest jade, then deep rich green. Emerald-green, river-green. Moss, summer, spring. Green to gold.

[Find the rest of the story at]




[…] The phone […] can wait. […] You are still you, and you will be […] in this little port of sun and intrigue and eternity[…]

[…] This was only the first element. It is a […] pity about the Runt. […] But all shall be well[…]. Contact the others. Let them know what the White intended. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: You have completed the search for Mr Eaten's Name. What you have done with that Name is nothing anyone ever expected. But this character is finished, forever.