Offer to give whatever is needed

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Efficient Commissioner's Ambition

Better that than to let the Creditor wreak some unspecified vengeance.

Game Instructions: This will advance the story. Do this only when you have asked all the other questions you wish.

Unlocked with The Efficient Commissioner's Tale exactly 20, Seed of the Cedar, The Seal of the Bazaar




"No, no, that won't be needed […] she is interrupted by a harsh rapping on the door: two beats, then three, then two.

[…] "That will be Jervaise now," she says. "I told you to expect the signal knock."


"Open the door," says the Commissioner.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: The Creditor's Own Flesh