Offer your (growth type) to the Wizened Botanist

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From: Vertiginous Horticulture

She has travelled far and wide, and (for the most part) can remember the routes she took to get there.

Description summary:
The title varies with Rooftop Growth, Classification:

Rooftop Growth, Classification:Type
1: Plantaeplant
2: Fungifungus

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Game Instructions: You will get a Puzzling Map, and perhaps some Sapphires.

Unlocked with Rooftop Growth:, Nurturing a Rooftop Growth 105


The gift of growth

"You've done a wonderful job." […] "Sublime growth, considering the circumstances. It reminds me of one of my journeys to the Interior – this was a while ago, you understand – when I found myself in somewhat of a sticky situation..."

Description summary:
The first paragraph of the description varies with Rooftop Growth.

Rooftop Growth:Description
1: Singular CuttingsYour cuttings have grown tall and leafy, the primary shoots now attended by tangles of thorny fronds. Their boughs hang heavy with skull-like fruit. Every so often, a fruit will scream. [...]
2: 'Dawn-Yodeller' MandrakesThe mandrakes wriggle and writhe as you pull them from the earth. Their colouration has deepened to the jaundiced yellow that signifies full maturity. As soon as they are free from their shallow cradle of dirt, they do what they do best, and ululate. […]
3: Prize-Winning PeppercapsThe peppercaps are perfectly round and wine-purple, adorned with a lurid dappling of yellow spots. […] mature enough that they absolutely should not be handled without gloves. […] Not necessarily a good flavour, mind, but sometimes one takes what one can get.
4: Recusant Marigolds[…] regimented rows, vivid and many-petalled and glorious, the rosy orange of a sky in mid-surrender to the dawn. Here in grime-shadowed London, they look out of place – […] even the whitest stucco in Elderwick cannot compare to the very walls of Hell.
5: False-Cantigaster HybridsYour hybrids are stunted and ailing, even grown under ideal conditions. The bleak, fleshy colouration inspires little confidence. Irregular pulses of foul ichors seep from beneath the caps, oozing between frills […] These are not happy things.
6: Millennium Roses[...] They are the ideal of roses: red as want, each petal [...] a waiting lip [...]. The Fifth City appears bleached in comparison to their bright perfection. On the Continent, they say these flower for a thousand years – how long will London's soil sustain them?
7: Tomorrowspore OrtcapsYour Ortcaps stand tall and thin and raggedy – swaying, feather-edged mushrooms in monochrome blacks and greys, white lacy skirts spreading beneath the caps. [...] your mind wandering to daydreams of the future, or mired in vivid recollections of the past. [...]

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