Vertiginous Horticulture

From Fallen London Wiki
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[...] most of London agrees that gardening [...] is [...] best left alone. Not so the [...] True Horticultural Society[...]

[...] green fingers, tireless devotion, and frankly alarming stealth[...] their admiration hard-won. But they are generous to those who further [...] chthonic horticulture.

Description summary:
The description changes as you progress with your garden allotment. The above text is entirely replaced when you obtain a Rooftop Growth:. Part of the new description is based on the value (i.e. which organism is growing). Another paragraph is added when you've begun Nurturing a Rooftop Growth.

Do you have a Rooftop Growth?Description
no[...] most of London agrees that gardening [...] is [...] best left alone. Not so the [...] True Horticultural Society[...]

[...] green fingers, tireless devotion, and frankly alarming stealth[...] their admiration hard-won. But they are generous to those who further [...] chthonic horticulture.

yesThe True Horticultural Society have lent you the use of [allotment] If you can persuade the thing to grow, you'll be well rewarded – but if it was easy, they wouldn't be offering rewards.
Rooftop GrowthDescription of allotment
1: Singular Cuttingsan illegal allotment on an Elderwick mansard roof. Your singular cuttings are nestled comfortably in the soil.
2: 'Dawn-Yodeller' Mandrakesan illegal allotment on the flat roof of a gambling den. Your mandrakes are nestled comfortably in the soil.
3: Prize-Winning Peppercapsa soil bed illegally entrenched upon a sloping roof. Your peppercaps are nestled comfortably in the soil.
4: Recusant Marigoldsa jury-rigged allotment on a factory roof. Your marigolds are nestled comfortably in the soil.
5: False-Cantigaster Hybridsa jury-rigged allotment on the roof of a tenement house. Your hybrids are buried deep in the soil.
6: Millennium Rosesan illegal allotment on an Elderwick mansard roof. Your roses are nestled comfortably in the soil.
7: Tomorrowspore Ortcapsa soil bed illegally entrenched upon a sloping roof. Your Ortcaps are nestled comfortably in the soil.
Nurturing a Rooftop GrowthAdditional paragraph
1-50So far, you've made little progress. There is more soil here than growth.
51-74You guard your little patch of soil against all the vagaries of the Flit. Against all the odds, you're making progress.
75-100Other plants have found purchase here too, happy accidents of your progress. Your project continues apace.
101+This once-desolate rooftop is almost a full garden now. The True Horticultural Society watch your progress with interest – they are hungry for your successes.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Engaged in Rooftop Horticulture 2

Storylet appears in The Flit

Without Rooftop Growth 1-7:

Grow a cutting from your Singular Plant
Grow a crop of 'Dawn-Yodeller' Mandrakes
Grow Prize-Winning Peppercaps
Grow some Recusant Marigolds
Uttershroom port.png
Grow a cluster of False-Cantigaster Hybrids
Grow a bush of Millennium Roses
Grow some Tomorrowspore Ortcaps

With Rooftop Growth 1-7:

Nurturing your specimen

Divine the needs of your (growth)
Water your (growth)
Treat the soil
Secure vital nutrition for your precious (growth type)
Sing to your (growth)
Whispered secret.png
Cajole your (growth) into action

Plantae only

Prune your (growth)
Eliminate pests

Fungi only

Uttershroom port.png
Tend to the mycelia
Keep a tight rein on the temperature

Light Preference

Blast your (growth) with light
Contrive a shaded spot for your (growth)
Plunge your (growth) into appropriate darkness

Selling your specimen

Offer your (growth type) to the Sneering Horticulturalist
Offer your (growth type) to the Wizened Botanist
Offer your (growth type) to the Dreamy Mycologist