Poison yourself as a practical test
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Assess your Progress regarding the Understanding of Toxins in an Orange-Apple
Knowing the poisons is only the beginning. The rest: understanding how the damage is done and how to heal it.
Unlocked with 20 x Venom-Ruby,
Experimental Object exactly 1210 (Make a deeper study of toxins),
300 x Laboratory Research,
50 x Parabolan Research
An understanding of the self
Prepare a cup with a solution of venom-rubies, garnished with orange-apple peel, strong enough to fell a bear.
Clench your stomach. Drink. Then […] weep the venom out again.
It takes several tries […] But you have begun to master a new art.[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Your maximum Kataleptic Toxicology is now 6. (Sets
Kataleptic Toxicology Studies to 1)
You've lost 20 x Venom-Ruby
You've gained 1 x The Prestige of your Laboratory
Redirects to: Tidying up your University Lab