Present proof of your deeds to an Overworked Clerk

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Pay a Visit to the Admiralty

Action Cost: 0

Description summary:
The description varies based on how many Officially Recognised Valorous Deeds you earned.

Valorous DeedsDescription
1 - 4He feigns polite interest in your tales of nautical derring-do. "I suppose you'd better follow me, then."
5 - 9He appears mildly impressed by your tales of nautical derring-do. "I suppose you'd better follow me, then."
10 - 23He inclines his head in recognition of your deeds. "I suppose you'd better follow me, then."
26 - 49He is unable to keep the shock from his eyes when you recount your many victories over the lifeberg. "I suppose you'd better follow me, then."
50 - 118He can scarcely believe you're still alive, after so many encounters with that predatory mountain. "I suppose you'd better follow me, then."

[Find the rest of the story at]


Salvage rights


"We couldn't leave the corpse out there, could we?" He nods into a sheltered bay, where a boulder of fleshy ice is being winched out of the water. […] "The Quartermaster will make sure you're reimbursed for your efforts."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: The Restless Quartermaster's Warehouse