
From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: An Audience with the Abbot-Commander

Gemstone caverns? Unplundered treasures? Lakes of amber? Godfall's interior has a lot to commend itself.

Locked with Invitation to a Pilgrimage


An imposing form

The Abbot-Commander laughs. "I suppose I'm meant to scowl and preach of the value of immaterial wealth. But St Stalactite's concern is strictly the material. [...] I think you certainly will profit. Though perhaps not in the ways you might expect." [...]
  • Newgatecellarsmall.png The Abbot-Commander understands your interest in the Shattered Citadel. (Sets Invitation to a Pilgrimage to 1 - The Abbot-Commander understands your interest in the Shattered Citadel)