Reach the Violet Horticulturist

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Along the Smoking Shore

An expert in the Fourth City, who may know where the last Khan hid his treasures.

Unlocked with Advance! 24, Stage of the War exactly 4, Parabolan Campaign exactly 2 (The Fingerkings)


The last dream

There is a secluded garden, hidden between the peaks of a broken valley.[…]

An elderly devil[…] tends the flowers.[…] "Visitors? Not come to ask me to teach you the glass arts I hope!"[…] She gestures to you and the Relict. "Follow me. The snake stays outside." […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Cannonsmall.png You must conquer the Castle of Forests to conclude your campaign. (Sets Stage of the War to 5)
  • Drumsmall.png 'Advance!' has been reset: a conclusion, or a new beginning?

Redirects to: The Violet Horticulturist