Recruit the King (of Knuckles)

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Hearts' Game (Guide)

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Game Instructions: The King of Knuckles' cards become more powerful as the Elusiveness of your Target increases. He tests your Dangerous attribute.

Locked with Hearts' Game: Accomplices (3 + Accomplice: King of Motley × 26)[1]

  1. With Accomplice: King of Motley the accomplice limit is increased by the number of possible accomplices, so it is effectively unlimited


Spherical peril

The King giggles and nods to a pocket of your jacket. "No fingers," he says.

You remove the jacket and carefully tip it up. An inch-wide metal ball drops out[...] When it hits a candle, tiny spikes spring from the ball in all directions. The King sniffs.