Reimagine yourself as something unpredictable

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Ecdysis

Think of asps, of monitors, of scorpions.

Game Instructions: If successful, this will randomly shift Bodily Tendency.

Unlocked with Preparing for Ecdysis 4-5, Bodily Tendency 20-80

Challenge information

Narrow, Kataleptic Toxicology 18 (50% base)

  • 14 and below - almost impossible (10%)
  • 15 - high-risk (20%)
  • 16 - high-risk (30%)
  • 17 - tough (40%)
  • 18 - very chancy (50%)
  • 19 - chancy (60%)
  • 20 - modest (70%)
  • 21 - very modest (80%)
  • 22 - low-risk (90%)
  • 23 and above - straightforward (100%)

Each point of Shapeling Arts counts as 1 extra point of Kataleptic Toxicology.



How many fingers should you have? How many lungs? Is your skin like velvet, like velour, like silk, like iron? And if someone were to break through that skin – what caustic humours would they find, inside?



It is hard to imagine a self other than the one you're already equipped with. Your body recoils at the idea.