Rely on F.F. Gebrandt/Text Variations

From Fallen London Wiki

Ordinary research[edit]

Experimental ObjectResearch Description
10, 1610F.F. Gebrandt is a valuable sounding-board, gently pushing and pulling on you until you reach your conclusions. Even if this is not her field of study, she has an ease for recalling facts and making connections.
40F.F. Gebrandt works on chemical additives for locomotive fuel – ways to make the coal burn hotter, faster, brighter.
110 - 130"We are moving into weapons research, then?" She smiles thinly. "Never got into the business myself; too much competition. And frankly, most days, it's more challenging to not make an explosive compound."
140 - 160[…] "What we are about with the Principle here is pure chemistry," […] "The Principles are dream stuff, and what is the reagent of dreams if not our own selves? Now hold still. You are caught up in this too." She reaches for a set of silver tongs […]
210, 240You can't help but note the disdainful emphasis she puts on the word "Parabola." Her help is still invaluable, however, as she explains the relationship between different silver ammine solutions and the optical properties of the resulting mirrors.
220, 230, 260[…] "Geography is simply chemistry at scale, and urban planning is simply geography plus economics." She has little patience for historical detail or cryptic hints, but her insights prove useful in dismissing some of the more fanciful theories.
250F.F. Gebrandt handles the scrip with a pair of tweezers and a disgusted expression. […] "At first I thought it was chemical […] But I think it may not be dependent on skin contact. I find myself wanting to build a […] lab in Jericho. Take it away, please."
310"Why does it have to do everything? […] Why is so much of it on fire?

She never stops scribbling on the margins of the schematics, selecting ideal materials for each part […] "Might as well do it right […] It will get a lot of work done."

320 - 330, 350 - 360F.F. Gebrandt is no engineer, but her expertise in materials science is invaluable in ensuring pressure vessels don't burst and fly-wheels don't come apart.
410-440, 460, 470F.F. Gebrandt is happy to examine the metabolic processes of a living subject, and document their chemical pathways. You do have to stop her from using your experimental subject to test out a new formulation of her Renewed Tonsorial Formula […]
450F.F. Gebrandt is happy to lend a hand identifying the many, many distinct fluids that seem to ooze from the shark's body when you cut into it, remove its organs, or just stare at it the wrong way. If the smell troubles her, she does not let you know.
465F.F. Gebrandt is fascinated with spider silk – if only a similar polymer could be synthesized chemically, it would revolutionize the garment industry. The spiders don't seem all too pleased at the suggestion.
480, 490"An egg?" F.F Gebrandt raises a quizzical eyebrow. "I shall fetch the miniature hammers."
485[…] amniotic fluid […] fascinates her. "This liquid seems to contain instructions for the growing creature – implanting a purpose, nurturing loyalty, that kind of thing. If I could create a version that wasn't lethal to humans... think of the applications!" […]
495[…] "It has everything," she says, very pleased. "There's poisoning and healing, there's transformation and decay, and there's just the hint of something that would put the Masters out of joint, if they knew that I know."


510 - 610F.F. Gebrandt is keenly interested in palaeontology, and is not afraid to bring her many hypotheses to bear on your present study.
810 - 830"Geology is a fascinating, if trivial, subject." She insists on observing as you use her prototype of F.F. Gebrandt's Intermediate Rock and Mineral Identification Kit for Young Explorers & Geologically-Inclined Children.
1010 - 1030, 1050F.F. Gebrandt has a solid grounding in theoretical physics and little patience for the more fanciful ideas of Neathy mathematicians. "Does this really have a practical application?"
1045F.F. Gebrandt is surprisingly taken with the […] bulb and its yellow glow. "It's almost soothing," she remarks after a few hours tinkering. "The light feels […]... rational. I should like to use these in my home." […] "Don't write that down. It's not empirical."
1210She is strict about lab safety protocol. She insists you both work under a fume hood. She feeds tiny bites of Murgatroyd's Fungal Crackers to the weasels. She takes very thorough notes on the effects of poisons.
1320F.F. Gebrandt shows little interest in the cultural context of the artefact, but she is happy to assist in dating and cataloguing its material composition.
1340F.F. Gebrandt is disinclined to approach the creature directly. Furnished with a few samples of limestone, however, she will learn what she can about it.
1350[...] curious about the composition of the metal. [...] stripes of darker and paler colour [...] hand-forged steel blade [...] folded again and again. [...] doesn't think it was forged. [...] more like the rings of a tree, or [...] growth patterns in the shell of an extremely large sea-creature.

Chemistry research[edit]

Experimental ObjectResearch Description
910"The rose smell is purely coincidental […]" She has combined samples with a great many reagents […] "It is made from flowers. But the manufacturing process must obliterate any lingering scent. The end product just happens to have all the right esters."
920"Steel is fascinating. […] Temperature, composition, and even emotional states can affect its material properties. And this iron has such exotic impurities."

"Look here […] See how the martensite crystals […] always point towards Hell?"

930She pours a sample of Mr Spices' new intoxicant into a test tube […] "Have you ever heard of F.F. Gebrandt's Elevating Decoction?"

She sighs. "No, of course you wouldn't have. It was banned from sale. Inaugural batch confiscated by neddy-men."

940"Never could justify looking into it, myself. Scintillack snuff is expensive, and legally dubious." […] she examines the minute silver-white crystals […] "Maybe a few parts per million might enhance the effect of my Accelerating Draught.."
950[…] Reagents turn violant or cosmogone, instead of the expected, sensible colours. Your lab smells of burnt memories. "Parabola is where common sense goes to die." She works intensely, as if she resents this surreal intrusion into worldly chemistry.
960, 970, 980F.F. Gebrandt eagerly examines your data and uses it to propose new experiments. Her expert help makes short work of setting up beakers, burners, and stills. She easily identifies reaction products by colour and scent.
990F.F. Gebrandt is […] knowledgeable and helpful on chemical matters. Though on the subject of Mr Spices' tears she is almost too knowledgeable, making a few leaps of logic that prove to be correct, but seem unsupported by the evidence before you.