Request Summer lend her voice (Rise)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Sink or Swim

She must have a perspective.

Unlocked with A History of the Two Republics exactly 1

Locked with Summer Sang (hidden)


Far above

[...] She begins to sing in an unabashed contralto. She sings in fluent Italian, a song of liberty and an end to all tyrants. She sings of sun and stars and sky. She sings of an escape, utter and eternal.

She breaks off, at last, to refresh [...] from her flask. [...]
  • Whale constellationsmall.png The whale is inclined towards the heights. (Raises Whalerise by 1)
  • Placeholder2small.png An occurrence! Your 'Summer Sang' Quality is now 1! (hidden)