Review the terms of the contract

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Resolution of a Debt

Action Cost: 0

What exactly were the terms of the promise to the Creditor? The Efficient Commissioner has ascertained every detail.


You've spoken before

The debt will be due when the Sleeping Merchant is awake again. At the moment, he is safe: the Masters once walled off his dreams in Parabola […]

The payment must be proportional to the number of souls in the Neath. It is in effect, a bail or bond […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: (Without New-Minted Currency) You can design a currency for the payment of this debt.
(With 1-15 New-Minted Currency) You are in the midst of designing a currency for the payment of this debt.
(With 100 New-Minted Currency) You have designed a currency for the payment of this debt. It now remains to wake the Sleeping Merchant and deliver your payment.