Sell her a Night-Whisper

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Rat Market (Guide)

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From: The Shrivelled Celebrant

Action Cost: 0

The Shrivelled Celebrant has a practised ear for all that an ordinary Rattus Faber might be happier not knowing.

Unlocked with The Rat Market is present (World Quality, now available), Night-Whisper

Locked with Rat Market Saturation 800001


The folly of rat

Her one good ear twitches as you pass on your Night-Whisper. "Better to know and be sorry," […] "Than to be sorry, and know." Her pouch of shillings rattles as she empties them onto her cluttered table and pushes them across to you, huffing with exertion.

[Find the rest of the story at]