She's Going Down!
From Fallen London Wiki
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Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
On the horizon, you glimpse the last moments of a dying steamer. She's blazing like a Viking funeral, her bow rising higher by the second above red-litten black waters. A handful of crew members have put to zee in lifeboats.
Card drawn in Home Waters
Occurs with Standard Frequency
Can not be discarded except by effects clearing your hand.
Stop and rescue them
- Spoiler
Heave to and cast lines
Steadfast is increasing… (+3 CP, up to level 10)
Heartless is dropping… (-3 CP)
Troubled Waters is dropping… (-2 CP)
Let the Unterzee have them
- Spoiler
Passing by
Heartless is increasing… (+3 CP, up to level 10)
Magnanimous is dropping… (-3 CP)
You've gained (
Zailing Speed + 1~5) x Zailing...
Troubled Waters is increasing… (+1 CP)
You've gained 1 x Time Spent at Zee (hidden)
Loot the wreckage
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Corsair's Colours 2
Challenge information
Zeefaring 5 (50% base) || 1 and below - almost impossible (10%) || 2 - high-risk (20%) || 3 - high-risk (30%) || 4 - tough (40%) || 5 - very chancy (50%) || 6 - chancy (60%) || 7 - modest (70%) || 8 - very modest (80%) || 9 - low-risk (90%) || 10 and above - straightforward (100%)
Easy pickings
Troubled Waters is increasing… (+3 CP)
You've gained 250 x Pieces of Plunder Weighing Down Your Hold
You've gained (
Zailing Speed) x Zailing...
You've gained 1 x Time Spent at Zee (hidden)
Rare Success
Easy pickings
Troubled Waters is increasing… (+2 CP)
You've gained 300 x Pieces of Plunder Weighing Down Your Hold
You've gained (
Zailing Speed) x Zailing...
You've gained 1 x Time Spent at Zee (hidden)
A midnight whale?
Troubled Waters is increasing… (+8 CP)
Terror grips your vessel. (Sets
Creeping Fear to 1)
You've gained (
Zailing Speed) x Zailing...
You've gained 1 x Time Spent at Zee (hidden)