Sift the waters of Adam's Way

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Partial Historiography

The red ruby river, older than half of time. What the Presbyterate forgets, the river remembers.

Unlocked with Lead: Partial Historiography 620-623

Locked with Librarian's Progress 200

Challenge information

Narrow, Kataleptic Toxicology 2 (50% base)

  • 0 - high-risk (30%)
  • 1 - tough (40%)
  • 2 - very chancy (50%)
  • 3 - chancy (60%)
  • 4 - modest (70%)
  • 5 - very modest (80%)
  • 6 - low-risk (90%)
  • 7 and above - straightforward (100%)


What is redder than a ruby's sheen?

Description summary:
The description varies based on your level of Lead: Partial Historiography.

Lead: HistoriographyDescription
620[…] a ship was once raised in Parabola that could sail the Writhing River […] By difficult glasswork, it was brought into the Neath[…] It was said to have made the journey between Apis Meet and Caution, but sank at the city beyond, whose name is Rimer. […]
621The Replete comb the banks of Adam's Way […] They carve the stories they hear from the survivors (whom they feast as kings) onto knives and suits of banded armour. They speak of other kingdoms below the red, where the living wood holds court.
622There is a kingdom of the Animescent, who bathe daily in the waters. […] This account is written by a notorious liar, however, who faked his own death by animescence in order to wed a Conflagrati queen. She later drowned him for his troubles.
623It is said[…] that if the College of Mortality ever came in strength, they could command Adam's Way to part. Together they would descend the silty banks and dredge the living and the dead from the russet deep, for mercy, or for a final judgement.

[Find the rest of the story at]


What remains when the blood has washed the rest away

The river has claimed so many over the years, as ships came apart faster than the zailors could flee, as coracles developed emnities and triremes love affairs. […] You receive a collection of skulls, dredged […] Each speaks, but says only one word: red.

[Find the rest of the story at]