Speak to the woman on the right
From Fallen London Wiki
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Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
From: A card game
What's her stake?
Violet, ivory
I long for far Irem. The Red Bird has taken all I knew. [A chant] from the sky […] fill me with flame. I will cross the sea as a bird […] My love awaits me. The Honey-Lord promised me.
This is [what] she might say, were there anything left of her […][Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
An occurrence! Your 'Discovered: Irem' Quality is now 1! (hidden)
You've gained 1 x Irrigo
You've gained 1 x Memory of Distant Shores
You've gained 1 x Maniac's Prayer