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- Speak with the zailors (category ALLURE Gain)they're often much easier to talk to. Game Instructions: This could gain you Allure. Broad, Persuasive 120 82 - very chancy (41%) 102 - chancy (51%) 122983 bytes (159 words) - 12:26, 12 June 2024
- Speak of his spiritual work (category ALLURE Gain)What does this Clay priest actually do? Game Instructions: This will gain you Allure. Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2 Narrow, Sartorial Cooperation996 bytes (165 words) - 17:10, 10 November 2024
- Attract attention at the market (category ALLURE Gain)of rustling silk and subdued copperwork. Game Instructions: This will gain Allure and lose Cognisance. Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2 Broad, Persuasive1 KB (184 words) - 22:20, 10 November 2024
- Bid him a good morning (category ALLURE Gain)pans and bits of white stone? Game Instructions: This could get you some Allure and Cognisance. Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2 Narrow, Sartorial Cooperation1,016 bytes (175 words) - 22:30, 10 November 2024
- Crouching in a low stone building (category ALLURE Gain)But who is here with you? Game Instructions: This will give you either Allure or Cognisance. Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 2 A matter of luck: It1 KB (175 words) - 22:37, 10 November 2024
- Spread tales of love and glamour (category ALLURE Gain)appreciate a story of romance? Game Instructions: This will always gain you Allure. Unlocked with 50 x Romantic Notion, Unnatural Exuberance 5-7 Narrow1 KB (214 words) - 20:03, 10 November 2024
- Give surface-silk to Clay Men (category ALLURE Gain)Take their minds off the matter. Game Instructions: This will always gain you Allure. Unlocked with 25 x Surface-Silk Scrap, Unnatural Exuberance 8 Narrow1 KB (239 words) - 02:30, 11 November 2024
- Speak of romance to an empty garden (category ALLURE Gain)is listening. Perhaps they're lonely. Game Instructions: This will always gain you Cognisance. Unlocked with 50 x Romantic Notion, Unnatural Exuberance 5-71 KB (237 words) - 19:52, 10 November 2024
- Speak of the Elder Continent at Arcimboldo's (category ALLURE Gain)passable if you ignore the screaming. Game Instructions: This will always gain you Allure. Unlocked with 25 x Mystery of the Elder Continent, Unnatural Exuberance 2-41 KB (232 words) - 19:52, 10 November 2024
- Present your findings to an academic gone native (category ALLURE Gain)keep up with academic progress, though. Game Instructions: This will always gain you Cognisance. Unlocked with 5 x Volume of Collated Research, Unnatural1 KB (237 words) - 17:11, 10 November 2024
- Redemptions (category Alluring Accomplice Gain)Dispossessed Orphan 64.80 32.40 Persuasive +5 Dangerous -1 Watchful +2 Alluring Accomplice 115.20 62.50 Persuasive +5 Shadowy +2 Ruthless Henchman 1151 KB (19 words) - 13:12, 15 November 2021
- Pull off a mask (category ALLURE Gain)Game Instructions: This will trade in some of your Cognisance quality to gain Allure. Unlocked with COGNISANCE 4 Narrow, Sartorial Cooperation 0 (50% base)1 KB (222 words) - 02:19, 11 November 2024
- Swap him for something – or someone – more reliable (category Alluring Accomplice Gain)at] Persuasive is increasing… You've gained 1 x Alluring Accomplice You've lost 1 x Malevolent Monkey You've lost 200 x Piece1 KB (247 words) - 01:39, 11 November 2024
- ...acquire a Sixth City (category Alluring Accomplice Gain)Heart's Desire! to 180 - Someone is knocking at your door) You've gained 1 x Alluring Accomplice You've lost 4 x Favour in High Places You've lost 20 x1 KB (194 words) - 20:08, 10 November 2024
- One lands on an Alluring Accomplice (category Alluring Accomplice Gain)[Find the rest of the story at] You've gained 1 x Alluring Accomplice You are about to open a mysterious confession. (Sets Opening1 KB (153 words) - 19:30, 3 April 2022
- 00 Echoes). These can be gained in the streets. Journey home on your own ship The Polythremic Promenade revolves around ALLURE (A) and COGNISANCE (C), which16 KB (1,419 words) - 01:02, 9 June 2024
- difference: The material reward is gained while you gain progress. This means you can spend the Fascinating... you gain in court to Seduce the Artist/his18 KB (638 words) - 10:35, 29 June 2024
- beginning? You've gained 1 x Sartorial Cooperation ^ Spoiler ID: 254337 Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 1, ALLURE 13 In sterling voice 'ALLURE' has been526 bytes (426 words) - 14:52, 27 January 2022
- Attend courtly functions (category Fascinating... Gain)How are the above links here? ID: 250354 From: Attend to Matters of Allure The Palace hosts an endless succession of hushed salons, subdued poetry readings1 KB (185 words) - 06:48, 10 November 2024
- A walk in the villa gardens (category ALLURE)aura of menace and guarded privacy. Unlocked with Unnatural Exuberance 1, ALLURE 8, COGNISANCE 8 In the garden You hop over the low wall. […] There's nobody889 bytes (147 words) - 20:10, 19 August 2022