Support the Garrulous Devil

From Fallen London Wiki
This content was only available during the launch of an Exceptional Story:
The Heart, the Devil and the Zee

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From: An Exceptional Story: The Devil's Ginnery

These poor souls toil for a living. If they desire gin to ease their burdens for a time, so be it. Intercede on their behalf.


A Misplaced Demonstration

The Temperance Campaigners […] zest for reform would be better directed […] against the revels of Mr Wines. […]

[…] The Devil's tone is unctuous. "I've a customer of unusual potential. It would be a shame if he'd been startled away."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: Exceptional Friends may unlock the story of the Heart, the Devil and the Zee from the Season of Stones storylet. We'll take you there now.

Redirects to: The Season of Stones: the People Awakening